

XiaO / 2022-08-03


化合物表面静电势计算是一个很耗时耗力的过程,即使是基于更加便于处理的密度泛函理论 (DFT),即用电子密度取代波函数做为研究的基本量。而

静电势预测 (ESP-DNN)

PDB2PQR 是一个用于预测分子表面静电势的深度神经网络模型,该模型在十万个使用 DFT 计算而来的分子静电势表面上进行训练,其预测可接近 DFT 的计算结果。奈何该模型只能运行在 Linux 系统下,故而绕道谷歌 Colab


# 在 Linux 上安装 Miniconda 
!wget -c https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
!chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
!bash ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -f -p /usr/local

# 从 GitHub 获取 ESP-DNN 代码
!git clone https://github.com/urzone/ESP_DNN.git

# 移动工作目录到 ESP_DNN

# 从工作目录中的配置文件 environment.yml 创建 ESP_DNN 运行所需的虚拟环境
!conda env create -f environment.yml




# 激活 esp-dnn-env 虚拟环境
source activate esp-dnn-env

# 对包含化合物分子的文件夹运行模型,譬如我将所需预测的分子文件放在 `MyDrive/DSDS/molecules/`文件夹中;
# 预测结果将直接保存在相同的文件夹中,可在网盘中直接下载;
python -m esp_dnn.predict -m ligand -i /content/drive/MyDrive/DSDS/molecules


Jupyter 安装:

# 为 Jupyter Notebook 创建虚拟环境
conda creat --name Jupyter 

# 激活该虚拟环境 
conda activate Jupter 

# 安装 jupyter notebook
conda install jupyter notebook

# 安装 python==3.8.8
conda install python==3.8.8 

## 安装 pytraj,用于读取多个 pdb 文件到一个轨迹中
# https://amber-md.github.io/pytraj/latest/installation.html
# https://github.com/nglviewer/nglview/issues/918
conda install -c ambermd pytraj

# 查看帮助文档
jupyter notebook --help

# 生成配置文件 `~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py`
jupyter notebook --generate-config 

## 进入上述配置文件,修改 jupyter notebook 文件的存放位置
# The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
# Default: ''
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/Users/urzone/JupyterFiles'

# 安装插件 jupyter_contrib_nbextensions,可直观地展示 Jupyter Notebook 的插件页面
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

# 安装插件 nb_conda,该插件是 Jupyter Notebook 与 Conda 关联之后对 Conda 环境和包进行直接操作和管理的页面工具
conda install nb_conda

# 安装插件 nglview
conda install -c conda-forge nglview 
jupyter-nbextension enable nglview --py --sys-prefix

# 运行 Jupyter Notebook
jupyter notebook

# 运行 Jupyter Notebook,但不在浏览器打开
jupyter notebook --no-browser

# 指定 Jupyter Notebook 的端口
jupyter notebook --port <port_number>

在一个 Jupyter Notebook 文件中,添加如下代码(修改 pqrPath 文件的路径):

# 导入 nglview 包,并重命名
import nglview as nv

# 导入分子文件地址
pqrPath = "/Users/urzone/Downloads/molecules/1.pdb.pqr"
pdbPath = "/Users/urzone/Downloads/molecules/1.pdb"

# 添加分子文件的呈现形式
pqrrepr = [
    {"type": "surface", "params":{
        "surfaceType": "av",
        "radiusType": "explicit",
        "colorScheme": "electrostatic",
        "scaleFactor": 4.0,
        "smooth": 10.0,
        "opacity": 0.5,
        "colorDomain": [-50, 50],   # potential range in kcal/mol
        "colorScale": 'rwb'     # Try 'rainbow',"rwb" or any other scheme from ngl
pbdrepr = [ # https://nglviewer.org/ngl/api/typedef/index.html#static-typedef-BallAndStickRepresentationParameters
    {"type": "ball+stick", "params":{
        "sphereDetail": 10, # sphere quality (icosahedron subdivisions)
        "radialSegments": 100, # cylinder quality (number of segments)
        "multipleBond": "symmetric", # symmetric offset
        "aspectRatio": 2.4,  # size difference between atom and bond radii
        "bondScale": 0.6,  # scale/radius for multiple bond rendering
        "bondSpacing": 1.5 # spacing for multiple bond rendering

# 显示第一分子
view = nv.show_file(pqrPath)
# 添加第一分子的呈现形式
view.representations = pqrrepr
# 添加第二分子
# 设置第二分子的呈现形式
view.set_representations(pbdrepr, component=1)



# render and download scene at current frame
view.download_image(filename='screenshot.png', # str, default 'screenshot.png'
                    factor=20, # int, default 4, quality of the image, higher is better
                    antialias=True,  # bool, default True
                    trim=True, # bool, default False
                    transparent=True) # bool, default False